I loved that outfit! The dark slim-fit jeans are sooo awesome, and super-flattering. I may end up going back and getting pairs in different colors if I can find them again (thank you, Macy's Juniors section). The top was such a wild choice for me; usually, I end up picking something I could wear again downtown in Modesto. This one was more of a step outside my typical choices, and I loved it. There is a part of me that wants to be so crazy and wild with my clothing and hair and my whole image, but then the practical side pulls back on the reins and I go for less flash and more versatility. Well, no more of that! Even if I only have one or two awesome, glitzy, radical pieces, it's worth it-- not *everything* has to double as work clothes, right?
Take THAT, conservative side!!
SMOKIN HOT!!!! Love the leapord print sister!