Not my soul, of course, don't worry. I'm actually beginning the process of selling certain furniture items, like our bedroom set, and our miscellaneous unnecessary items, like half the stuff in our storage areas. Partially because I love to get rid of things we're not really using, partly because I no longer want those items (goodbye, big bed, and hello, platform!), partly for the money, and partly because if we end up getting a job out of this area, we are going to have to move... without a lot of our stuff. Especially if this current job opportunity works out, but really if *anything* comes through outside of Modesto, we will most likely end up moving into a smaller place than where we are currently living. It would be difficult to sell everything, pack, find a new place, and move all in the two weeks or so we'd have between a job offer and beginning work, so I'd rather do it in stages. Do you see how I'm confidently assuming we'll get an offer sometime soon? Just blame it on
The Secret
Anyway, we're selling our bedroom set. I do love it, but it has outlived its usefulness, and besides-- I want a platform bed, eventually. In the meantime, we'd probably just use our futon, which is currently in Joel's office. I'm actually looking forward to getting this big furniture out of our room! We'll figure out what to do with all the stuff in the drawers later.

I put up the entire set-- headboard, footboard, two nightstands, bureau + mirror,
on Modesto's Craigslist for $500. That's not asking a lot, compared to so many others out there, and I think it's a great deal. Just check out the gorgeous Harlequin "diamond" details, and the curving, bowed out areas.

I've loved it since 2004, but now it's time to re-home this furniture. Goodbye, bedroom set, you served me well!
SOLD! That was almost *too* fast... guess I should have asked for more!