Friday, June 18, 2010

Cool Pool

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Ethan has a new water toy. It hooks up to the garden hose, which fills the outside ring and also fills a few of the interior toys (the palm tree and fish). While the hose is on, there are little "fountains" of water from the holes throughout the pool. Ethan's favorite thing to do these days is stand in front of a stream of water and try to catch it in his mouth. It cracks him up for the longest time; lucky he's so easy to amuse, I guess!

The thing is, I'm not sure who enjoys it more, Ethan...
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... or his daddy:
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All I know is, they have a lot of fun out there!
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  1. That is SO awesome!!! I wanna play too!!!

  2. The cool thing is that is was super-cheap at Target. Yahoo, summer!
