Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interviews Galore!

So, I went to an interview on Tuesday for a position in Stockton... it was the first time in my life that I've been invited to attend a "speed interview." Yes, it's almost exactly what it sounds like; speed dating format, interview setting. I thought that it would be extremely awkward, but it ended up being a process I really enjoyed. The strangeness comes into play when you realize that you are going to get about a 3-minute interaction time with each interview panel member. It feels odd somehow to move from station to station, answering a question as succinctly and thoroughly as possible and then moving on to the next person in line. But when you think about it, it's actually more one-on-one time than you get in a panel interview, where you sit across the table from a committee of five to ten (or more, in some cases) interviewers. At least in this speed interviewing scenario, you get time to personally connect with every interviewer, and so you get to make an impression-- good or bad-- with each one, face to face, instead of across a huge conference table.

Anyway, must have done well, because later that afternoon they called me back for Round 2! My second interview is on Friday afternoon. They'll be doing a regular panel interview, followed by a skills test. I guess the universe heard I was trying to get a job, because on the same day (Tuesday) that I went to the Round 1 interview and got a call-back, I also got a call from another job opportunity; they want me to interview on Monday morning! Isn't that crazy? I think the time has finally come... the world is ready for me to be back in the office. At least I hope so!


  1. YAY!!! Good luck.....knock em dead! Break a leg....all those good things! I'll be thinking of you!
    Love, Kathy

  2. Thank you kindly! I think it went well; hopefully I hear something back soon :)
