Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mile a Minute

Ethan is talking so much these days... his speech goes along in waves, where for months he'll sort of sit back and store up language and phrases and expressions, and then BOOM! Right when we're starting to get worried about him lagging behind in his speech, he pops out with "Daddy's bringing me the tools, Mommy!" It's so crazy. Thursday, I was talking to Joel on my cell phone when Ethan said "I want to talk to Dad, Mom" and took the phone. He then proceeded to chat with Joel, "showing" him the toys and TV and books that he'd just been playing with by turning the phone around and pointing the display screen around the room. It was pretty adorable. Then on Friday, I was talking to my mom and asked Ethan if he wanted to say hi to Baba. He took the phone with this gentle smile on his face and said, "I wuffoo, gamma"-- completely unrehearsed and unprompted. It was the sweetest thing ever!

That's my boy... already a heartbreaker, at two and a half. :)

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