Friday, May 21, 2010

Photo Fix: Melanie 2009

Another photo repair I worked on was much, much easier than the photo of my dad from 1949. In the old photo, there were fold-marks and wrinkles across the entire page, and taking those out without losing detail or ruining the image underneath was time-consuming and required lots of precision. The photo below, on the other hand, needed some fine-tuning with color balance, hue and saturation, and a few minor cosmetic repairs (i.e., removing stray hairs across the face, improving the lips because all of the reddish color disappeared when the overall yellow tint was removed, fix the strange "bruised" looking shadows on the cheekbones, and so on). I'm really not sure what Joel's camera did that made it yellow; wrong flash setting, maybe?

Mel_01 21 2010_original (Medium)

Mel_01 21 2010_fix (Medium)

It obviously looks a lot better after the fix; and yes, it's true, my skin really is that pale during winter. Once the sun starts shining more, I get covered with freckles and can pretend I'm tan. Yay, summer!

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