Sunday, December 5, 2010

Job Hunt: Desperation Version

So, starting Monday I'm going into full-desperation mode on my job hunt. I'm calling all of the places where I've completed interviews and checking the status of the hiring process. At least then I'll know whether or not to keep those options open. Then, I'm calling a few temp agencies and setting up appointments at the first one that's available. I did contact some last week, but it was via an email link on their websites and I haven't heard back yet. I also plan on going in to take my typing test so that I can have a current certificate stating my typing speed. If I end up doing reception or data entry, so be it. I have one more application packet that I need to turn in this week, for a Human Resources Technician at the local community college. Unfortunately, that job doesn't even close until the 15th, so I obviously won't be hearing back from them in time to pay January rent. Which is my main goal right now: Paying rent in January. Gotta do whatever it takes to keep my family in this house. I refuse to be homeless!!

Of course, I'm not the only one in Modesto looking for a job- we have a 16.2% unemployment rate here, and it's not looking to improve any time soon.
County's jobless rate remains flat, but likely to rise - Business -


  1. Hi sorry you are going through this especially at Christmas time. Hey, I was've had alot of schooling....did you ever take the teacher's test...not sure what it's called. Have you thought about being a substitute teacher? Andy, my nephew did that for a long time, then got hired on full time as a teacher. Doing very well right now. He was so reliable and available as a substitute....they called him all the time to sub. Also...I believe you can call PGE and get reduced rates for low income people. You might also be able to negotiate better cell phone prices...add one as a family member maybe to reduce monthly bill to 9.99.

  2. I've taken both the CBEST and the CSET, back when I thought I wanted to be a teacher. Now, I'd still have to pay $150 to submit my application for an emergency credential, which would allow me to sub in a classroom for up to 30 days. At that point, I'd need to move to a different class in order to substitute. I'm thinking of doing it, even though teaching is not exactly my forte and it's a job that should really be done by someone who loves it and is good at it... it's not like temping at an office, you know? But it is still an option, and once I can scrounge the money together I'll probably go for it.
