Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bjork Yourself Today

And now, a tribute to Bjork, for no real reason other than I like to take some time every so often to celebrate weirdness, humor, creativity, and quirkiness. Enjoy!

The famous swan dress from the Oscars, and winner of many "Worst Dressed" awards:
Bjork Swan Dress

One of her most awesome songs, and one that catapulted her into the mainstream's awareness:

Just for funsies, an imagined conversation between P.Diddy and Bjork:

And, to leave you on a more serious note, Ethan Hein does an excellent job discussing Bjork's otherwordly style and her impact on the music scene in his "Cold Technology, Hot Beats" blog post Björk thought she could organize freedom, how Scandinavian of her.


  1. Thanks for linking to my blog post!

  2. My pleasure! I really enjoyed your article and admire your deep knowledge of music.
