Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Son, the Gourmand

Ethan loves cheese. Not just any cheese, though; he has to have the very best. And preferably, it comes from some faraway (and thus expensive) place. For instance, he absolutely adores the Cotswold cheese, also known as Double Gloucester with Chive and Onion. It happens to be imported from England. It also happens to be my absolute favorite, which means we end up fighting over the last remaining bites every time we take out a loan to buy some.

cotswold cheese (Medium)

It's so good! Creamy, strongly flavored, very cheddary, and oh so delicious in just about anything, from plain crackers to omelettes to a cheese sauce for veggies. If only it weren't something like $19.99/lb...

He also loves the sage-flavored Derby cheese, also from England.


I'm not sure I like this one by itself as much as I like it when layered with other cheeses, or mixed into recipes. But Ethan loves it! Did I mention that he won't eat American cheese? Could be the texture issue, but I'm leaning towards the gourmet-food-loving genes he got from his mammy.

One thing that we all agree on is this layered "Five Counties" cheese, that has a sampling of several regional cheeses in the U.K.

five counties cheese (Medium)

Talk about YUM! Now that I think about it, I can understand why he loves these cheeses. Who could go back to bland and ho-hum cheese after they've tasted these beauties? Maybe we should look into the Cheese of the Month club for this kid! (You know, not for us, ahem....)

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